Consulta de tratados internacionais

Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Económicos, Sociais e Culturais
Instrumento Multilateral
Local de conclusão
Nova Iorque
Data de Conclusão
Inicío de vigência na ordem internacional
Data de assinatura por Portugal
Data de depósito de instrumento de ratificação
Início de vigência relativamente a Portugal
Diplomas de aprovação

Aprovado para ratificação pela Lei n.º 45/78, de 11/07


Diário da República I, n.º 157, de 11/07/1978 (Lei n.º 45/78)

Instrumentos que o desenvolvem

Protocolo Facultativo ao Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Económicos, Sociais e Culturais, adotado a 10/12/2008 (aprovado pela Resolução da Assembleia da República n.º 3/2013, DR I, n.º 14, de 21/01/2013)


Aviso de 23/10/1978 - torna público o depósito do instrumento de ratificação



Emmanuel Decaux, Olivier De Schutter (dir.), Le pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels: commentaire article par article1ª ed., Paris: Economica, 2019

- Matthew C.R. Craven, The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: a Perspective on its Development, Oxford University Press, 1995

- Hurst Hannum e Dana D. Fischer (Edits.), U.S. Ratification of the International Covenants on Human Rights, Transnation Publishers


- Dianne Otto e David Wiseman, In search of 'effective remedies': Applying the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to Australia, in Australian Journal of Human Rights, Vol.7, n.º1, 2001
- David Harris, The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: an Effective Guarantee of Human Rights?, in EU-China Dialogue: Perspectives on Human Rights, with Special Reference to Women, 2000, p.133-141
- Hanna Beate Schöpp-Schilling, Some Reflections on the Women’s Human Rights Dimension of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Compared to the Women’s Convention, in EU-China Dialogue: Perspectives on Human Rights, with Special Reference to Women, 2000, p.142-159
- Christophe Pettiti, La Protection des Droits Sociaux Fondamentaux à l’Aube du Troisième Millénaire, in Les Droits de l’Homme au Seuil du Troisième Millénaire: Mélanges en Hommage à Pierre Lambert, 2000 p.613-625
- Emmanuel Decaux, La Réforme du Pacte International Relatif aux Droits Économiques, Sociaux et Culturels, in Mélanges en l’Honneur de Nicolas Valticos, 1999 p.405-415
- Audrey R. Chapman, A "violations approach" for monitoring the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, in Human Rights Quarterly, 1996, V.18, n.1, Fev, p.23-66
- Audrey R. Chapman, A new approach to monitoring the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, in The Review of the International Commission of Jurists, 1995, n.55, Dez, p.23-37
- Manfred Nowak, The need for an optional protocol to the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, in The Review of the International Commission of Jurists, 1995, n.55, Dez, p.153-165
- Mervat Rishmawi, Towards global endorsement of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, in The Review of the International Commission of Jurists, 1995, n.55, Dez, p.195-201
- Gerard Quinn, The international covenant on civil and political rights and disability: a conceptual framework, in Human Rights and Disabled Persons, 1995, p.69-93
- Philip Alston, Disability and the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, in Human rights and Disabled Persons, 1995, p.94-105
- Suk Tae Lee, South Korea: implementation and application of human rights covenants, in Michigan Journal of International Law, 1993, V.14, n.4, p.705-738
- Matthew C.R. Craven, The domestic application of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, in Netherlands International Law Review, 1993, V.40, n.3, p.367-404
- Philip Alston, The United Nations' specialized agencies and implementation of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, in Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 1979, V.18, n.1, p.79-118


Adotado e aberto à assinatura, ratificação e adesão pela resolução 2200A (XXI) da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, de 16/12/1966.